Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Bukisa and Random Ramblings

I wrote an article for Bukisa and it was approved yesterday and I have already made money on it! Granted, it isn't much, BUT, it is money and I'm excited. I was a little weary of Bukisa simply because it is new and I really didn't know much about it but it seems really good. Shout out to Jenny and Kimmi for letting me know about it and explaining it to me. :)

The girls are sick today and now I think I am coming down with something. I didnt feel well on Monday, then Tuesday I was fine, today I woke up with a super scratchy throat and nothing can seem to make it go away. I tried gargling with saltwater, taking medicine, cough drops. Argh! I hate this more than a sore throat. I was thinking maybe it came on since we got half a foot of snow yesterday and I was out shoveling the driveway without gloves (I know, real smart)! Oh well, it had to be done, what are you gonna do?

Okay, no more distractions, back to working and writing...I swear I really might be the biggest procrastinator in the world. :)